1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : MS670B LM 1973



- this product is scheduled to be release in April 2025. To place a pre-order please use the link below to contact us using the mail form.
- if pre-orders reach a certain number this product may become out of stock before release as only a limited number will be made during the initial run. Any other pre-orders following will be covered during the next production run. We will stop taking pre-orders/orders completely should the order numbers surpass the maximum production amount.

For pre-preorders, please contact us here

2025年4月発売予定 April 2025
Price : \98,000- (+tax)

[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]

■1973年のル・マン24時間レースにおいて、H.Pescarolo / G.Larrousse組がドライヴし総合優勝を飾った11号車をモデル化。他にも3位に入った12号車と10号車も選択可能。

- based on the 1973 World Championship car that also took victory at Le Mans of the same year - car number 11. Car number 10 and 12 can also be chosen.
- a fully detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, etching, turned parts, vacuum, rubber tires, silk screen decals and various cords allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
- car number circle on cowl side produced as a clear resin part manufactured as part of the body cowl piece, reproducing the translucent car number of the actual car.
- turned parts used for wheel rim, front light rim, engine funnel, muffler ends, wheel shafts and lock nuts. Wheel and lock nuts are post processed with colour by anodizing.
- door and rear cowl can open and close after completion, allowing for full view of the detailed interior.
- decals provided by Cartograf. Tires come pre-printed with maker logo.

●K853 - 1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : MS670B LM 1973
 1973 Le mans 24hours race
 winner #11 H.Pescarolo / G.Larrousse
 #12 J-P.Jabouille / J-P.Jaussaud
 #10 F.Cevert / J-P.Beltoise

*(現在企画中ですので、発売時期・価格・仕様・構成が変更になる場合があります。 / CG画像はイメージです。必ずしもキット内容と合致するとは限りません。)
*(Product is currently still in design phase: release date/price/instructions for construction/build may be altered for official release. / Images based off CG captures may not accurately reflect that of the final product.)

[ 2025年4月発売 / April 2025 released ]
