1/9scale Fulldetail Kit : Crocker OHV "Big tank" 1939-1942



- this product is scheduled to be release in March 2024. To place a pre-order please use the link below to contact us using the mail form.
- if pre-orders reach a certain number this product may become out of stock before release as only a limited number will be made during the initial run. Any other pre-orders following will be covered during the next production run. We will stop taking pre-orders/orders completely should the order numbers surpass the maximum production amount.

For pre-preorders, please contact us here

2024年3月発売予定 March 2024
Price : \63,000- (+tax)

[ Crocker OHV "Big tank"について -About the Crocker OHV "Big tank"- ]

インディアンのディーラーを営んでいたAlbert G. Crockerは、既存のバイクをカスタムし、高性能なレーサーを製作していました。その後彼はクロッカー・モーターサイクルカンパニーを設立、ハーレーがナックルヘッドを発売した年である1936年に、Vツインモデルの高性能バイク"Small Tank"を発売します。その性能はベースとなったインディアンや、ハーレーのナックルをも凌駕するものでした。最高速チャレンジレースでもハーレーやインディアンを圧倒、小さな工場で産み出されるバイクが大手メーカーに対しその性能で勝利を収めたのでした。
そして1939年、クロッカーはさらなる改良モデル、"Big Tank"を発売します。しかし、迫り来る戦争の影、小規模工場生産による効率の悪さ、大手メーカーによるパーツ供給取引への圧力等々が重なり、当時”世界で最も速い市販バイク”とまで謳われたクロッカーは、1942年にバイク生産を終えることになります。

Crocker was an American based motorcycle company from the 1930s that created motorbikes that rivaled the performances of those from major motorbike companies, such as Indian and Harley Davidson, of the time.
Albert G. Crocker started off as a dealer for Indian motorbikes, where he already began to customize bikes for high performance racing. He would later go on to create the Crocker Motorcycle Company and release the V-twin “Small Tank” in 1936 – the same year the Knucklehead was released by Harley. It surpassed the performance of the Indian it was based off of and the Knucklehead, achieving top speeds that neither motorbikes could reach. It was an incredible success for a bike that was produced by a small manufacturer.
In 1939, an improved “Big Tank” model was released. However, with the impending war, the inefficient production pace of a small factory and the lack of supplies due to competition from larger companies forced the company to stop motorbike production in 1942.
During the brief period of operation around 100 Crockers were produced by the company. Around half of those original Crockers are still around today, owned and kept in good conditions by motorbike enthusiast.

[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]


- a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, etching, metal turned parts, rubber tires, and decals allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
- moveable bike chain built from a combination of etching and metal parts.
- a combination of stainless spokes, stainless pipes and metal rim used for wheels for a realistic representation.

[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]

●K836 - 1/9scale Fulldetail Kit : Crocker OHV "Big tank" 1939-1942

[ 2024年3月発売 / March 2024 released ]

*(現在企画中ですので、発売時期・価格・仕様・構成が変更になる場合があります。 / CG画像はイメージです。必ずしもキット内容と合致するとは限りません。)
*(Product is currently still in design phase: release date/price/instructions for construction/build may be altered for official release. / Images based off CG captures may not accurately reflect that of the final product.)
