Technique for Polishing White Metal Parts

Our kits are made up of mostly white metal parts, and while some kits come with parts that are pre-polished or pre-plated, in many situations you will be required to polish the parts yourself.
Spending the time getting rid of parting lines, smoothing out the surface and properly polishing the parts can result in a finish that may be better than what plating methods can offer.
We will outline our process and hope it will serve as good reference as to the workflow and tools required.

1) Required Tools and Items
In general files will be used to remove parting lines and help with reshaping of parts (if needed), followed by the use of sandpaper to slowly smooth out the surface. Start with a roughness of around #180 and work slowly your way to finer sandpapers (#400, #600, #1000 etc). Cut sandpaper into a size that can be easily handled.
Polishing compound will be used for the final step - we use two types that have grits of #8000 and #15000 respectively.

ホワイトメタル磨き用リューター ビットには、3M社製のラジアル・ブリッスル ブラシ、#80番から#3000番まで6種を使っています。
For parts with complex surfaces or hard to reach crevices we recommend using an electrical rotary grinder. A corded type is convenient as rotation speed can be adjusted and can be used for long periods of time. For white metal we use 6 different radial bristle brushes (sold by 3M) numbering from #80 to #3000.

2) Use files or a metal brush to clear away parting lines or any other deformities from the part.

Be careful not to remove any molded details or dull off sharp corner of parts. For flat areas make sure there are no uneven deformities.

3) After the surface has been prepared, start the polishing process by using sandpaper. Start with a roughness of 180 and work your way up once you have achieved the same overall smoothness, moving up to 400 and finishing with 1000. Try to stroke in only one direction as constantly changing directions will cause scratches to form on the part instead.

Continue the process with compound - apply #8000 girt compound to a soft cloth and polish until an even shine has been achieved on the part. Finish by polishingfurther using the finer #15000 compound.
This ends the polishing process.

For parts with more complex shapes and surfaces, use a rotary hand grinder instead. Start with a rough bit brush and work up to a smoother bit brush in the same fashion as when using sandpaper. Dur to the speed of the hand grinder be wary not to damage any mold details or dull off sharp edges of the part.
Finish the polish process using compound and a soft cloth as noted in the previous steps.

4) Wash
After polishing with compound has been completed, wash the parts in thinner to clear away the excess oil left behind by the compound. After parts have dried, give the parts a final polish using a clean cloth.
Avoid leaving behind fingerprints or skin oil when handling the parts.

5) Clear coat
As parts will become clouded if left alone for a few days, clear coat the parts after the polishing process to keep the finish intact. To keep the surface finish as it primer will not be needed - apply urethane clear or lacquer clear directly onto the part.
Be careful with the part during construction as the layer of clear can be easily damaged when bumped into other objects.

6) Finish!
And that concludes the polishing process.
We hope this simple making guide will be useful in helping you achieve the ideal finish for your parts.