1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : 131 Rally

[ 131 Rallyについて -About the 131 Rally- ]

そして1976年、FIATは131をベースにしたWRCラリーカー、"131 Rally"を発表します。131 Rallyは、Abarthの手により開発され、大衆車131ミラフィオーリの外観を保ちつつ、オーバーフェンダー・ボンネット等をFRP製、ドアをアルミ製とし軽量化を図り、サスペンションも専用設計となりました。エンジンは、元フェラーリのエンジニアであったアウレリオ・ランプレディがチューニングを担当した直列4気筒DOHCエンジン、通称"ランプレディユニット"を採用。131 Rallyは400台が生産され、76年の夏前にホモロゲーションが認可、この年のWRCに4レース参戦し、マルク・アレンが1000湖ラリーで131初勝利を飾ります。
翌77年、FIATとLanciaのレース部門統合により、チェーザレ・フィオリオをワークスチーム監督とし、更なるレース体制の強化を図ります。131 Rallyはサファリを除くWRCフルエントリー体制で臨み、出場10戦の内5戦で勝利、チャンピオンを獲得します。
1978年にはワークスメインスポンサーがオリオ・フィアットからアリタリアに変更、鮮やかなイタリアンカラーでラリーに挑みました。この年も131 Rallyは5勝を挙げ、オペル、フォードといったライバルを引き離し圧倒的強さでWRCタイトル連覇を成し遂げます。 また131 Rallyはその信頼性の高さから、ワークス以外にプライベーターによってレースにも多く参戦し、活躍しました。そのポテンシャルの高さの例として、レースには参戦していませんが、79年にはAbarthチューンによるGr.5マシン、"SE035"といった試作マシンも131 Rallyをベースに製作されました。
ワークスチームのレース活動ではその後、1980年にもメイクスタイトルを獲得しますが、81年を最後に131によるワークス活動を休止、ラリー参戦は同じFIAT傘下の"Lancia 037 Rally"へと引き継がれていく事になります。

The “131”, also named “131 Mirafiori” based on the district where the car was manufactured, was a family car released by FIAT in 1974. To help market the car, FIAT had planned to enter the car into races. In 1975, Abarth developed the “SE031” - a prototype Gr.5 race car based on the 131.This car made its debut at the 1975 Giro d`Italia Automobilistico, and ended up winning the overall championship. Many of the modifications to the 131 tested on this car, such as the use of aluminum doors and air intakes in the body and bonnet, would be adopted to its rally make successor.
In 1976, FIAT would launch the “131 Rally”- a WRC rally car based on the 131. Developed by Abarth, the car retained the outer appearance of the 131 Mirafiori but used FRP based over fenders and bonnet, and aluminum doors to reduce overall weight. The suspensions were also specially designed. It ran on Lampredi Unit – an in-line four-cylinder DOHC engine named after former Ferrari engineer Aurelio Lampredi who tuned the engine. 400 units of the rally car was produced, allowing for homologation of the car before the summer of 1976. The car entered 4 WRC races that year, with its first victory at 1000 Lakes Rally under the hands of driver Markku Alen.
In the following year of 1977, the racing division of FIAT and Lancia were merged into one, and with Cesare Fiorio appointed as manager the works team was further strengthened. The 131 rally entered all possible races for WRC that season other than safari rally, and won championship by winning 5 of 10 races entered. In 1978 the main sponsor for the works team switched from Olio Fiat to Alitalia, and the team started off the new rally season under bright Italian colours. The 131 Rally again took championship for the season by winning 5 races, dominating ahead of rivals such as Opel and Ford. Outside of works the car was used by many private teams due to its reliability. While it did not race, the “SE035” prototype, an Abarth-tuned Gr.5 machine in 1979, was based on the 131 Rally, showcasing the possible potential that the 131 Rally had.
The works team continued to race with the car in the year after, allowing for another make title in 1980. In 1981 works activities with the 131 were suspended and rallying was taken over by Lancia (which operates under FIAT) with the “Lancia 037 Rally”.

[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]


- a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, etching, turned parts, rubber tires, silk screen decals and various cords allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
- based on cars from the 1978 season where the works team won WRC championship - cars #1,# 2 and #5 from the San Remo race, and cars used at Tour de Corse by winner B.Darniche and 3rd place S.Munari. All feature tarmac (slick) tires.
- aluminum turned parts used for wheel rim, front light rim, roof antenna base and side emblem base.
- bonnet, rear hatch and doors can open and close post construction, allowing full view of the detailed interior after completion.
- decals printed by Cartograf. Tires come pre-printed with maker logo.

[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]

●K851 - 1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : 131 Rally
 1978 Rallye Sanremo #1M.Verini / A.Bernacchini #2 W.Röhrl / Ch.Geistdörfer #5 S.Munari / M.Mannucci
 1978 Tour de Corse winner #1 B.Darniche / A.Mahe 3rd #5 S.Munari / M.Mannucci

[ 2025年2月発売 / February 2025 released ]

1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : 131 Rally


99,000円 (本体 90,000円、税 9,000円)

購入数: pcs
返品期限・条件 返品についての詳細はこちら
