1/43scale Multi-Material Kit : M19

[ M19について -About the M19- ]

In 1970 the McLaren team faced a dire situation having lost team driver/owner Bruce McLaren in an accident. Now under Teddy Meyer's control, the team decided to deviate from the cigar-shaped cowl design. The result was McLaren's entry for the 1971 season: the M19.
The M19 came equipped with a a new suspension structure and fuel tanks installed on both sides to lower the center of gravity, which also lead to the unique coke bottle shaped cowl. Debuting as the M19A in 1971 it suffered a hard season, however with Yardley becoming the main sponsors in 1972 it managed to gain a victory at the South African GP. The car was further remodeled into the lighter M19C, and it raced until partway through the 1973 season until it became replaced by the M23.

[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]

- a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, photo etching, silk screen decals, vacuum parts etc.
- design based off 1/20 scale kit designed with simpler building scheme in mind without losing focus on preservation of detail.
- front nose can be removed, allowing full view of the detailed interior after completion.
- wheel rims, rear damper and funnels included as turned metal parts.

  • 1/43 M19
  • 1/43 M19
  • 1/43 M19

[ バリエーション -Variations- ]
K584 - Ver.A : [M19A] 1971 Rd.10 Canadian GP #9 D.Hulme / Rd.11 U.S. GP #7 D.Hulme
1/43 M19 verA ・チームカラーであるオレンジ色を纏って登場した71年型のM19Aをモデル化しました。
- based on the 1971 M19A model dressed in the orange team colour.
- includes sports car nose used in the final preliminary U.S. GP race on top of the normal nose type.

K585 - Ver.B : [M19A “SUNOCO”] 1971 Rd.10 Canadian GP #10 M.Donohue / Rd.11 U.S. GP #31 D.Hobbs
1/43 M19 verB ・Penske-White RacingがM19Aでスポット参戦し、カナダGPでM.Donohueが3位に、最終戦アメリカGPはD.Hobbsが10位を記録した仕様をモデル化しました。
- based on the Penske-White Racing sponsored M19A that raced in the 1971 Canadian GP and U.S. GP, with M. Donohue claiming 3rd place at the Canadian GP and D. Hobbs at 10th place at the U.S. GP.
- features alternate body and roll bar design compared to Ver. A/Ver. C

K586 - Ver.C : [M19A] 1972 Rd.2 South African GP #12 D.Hulme #14 P.Revson / Rd.5 Belgian GP M19C #9 D.Hulme M19A #10 P.Revson
1/43 M19 verC ・71年型とはインダクションポッドや細部が異なり、特徴的なヤードレーカラーの1972年型を立体化。
・ D.HulmeがM19唯一の勝利を挙げた72年南アフリカGP、M19C型(#9)となったベルギーGPの両仕様を再現しました。
- based on the Yardley sponsored version used both in 1971 and 1972, featuring a different induction pod from other versions.
- variation includes version used by D. Hulme at the 1972 South African GP where he claimed the only championship for the M19, and the M19C variation used at the Belgian GP.

[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]

  • 1/43 M19
  • 1/43 M19

[ 2017年4月発売 / April 2017 released ]

1/43scale Multi-Material Kit : M19


14,300円 (本体 13,000円、税 1,300円)

購入数: pcs

バリエーション -Variations-



K584 : Ver.A



K585 : Ver.B



K586 : Ver.C


返品期限・条件 返品についての詳細はこちら
