[ D50について -About the D50- ]
1954年にランチアからF1デビューしたD50は、V8エンジンをシャシー構造の一部として利用し、サイドポンツーンをボディから分離してその内部に燃料タンクを設置するなど、先進的構造を持つマシンでした。しかしエースドライバーのA.アスカリを1955年シーズン中のテストでの事故で亡くし、資金難にも見舞われたランチアはD50とレース資材・人材をフェラーリに譲渡することとなるのでした。 D50はフェラーリにおいてサイドポンツーンをボディと一体化するなどの改修が施され、”Ferrari D50″として生まれ変わることになります。そして迎えた1956年シーズン、前年チャンピオンのJ.M.ファンジオをエースドライバーに起用したフェラーリは、Ferrari D50で勝利を重ね、ファンジオが4度目のチャンピオンを勝ち取ることになるのです。
The D50 first debuted in 1954 under the Lancia team – with a V8 engine used as a stressted chassis member and fuel tanks set inside the side pontons separate from the body, it sported many innovated designs for its time. However in 1955, with increasing financial problems and having lost their ace driver A. Ascari in a crash during a testrun , Lancia had no choice but to hand off the D50 and the team’s assets/resources to Ferrari. Ferrari took the D50 and modified the body by combining the side pontons with the main body into one. With the champion of the previous year, J.M. Fangio, joining the Ferrari team in 1956, Ferrari was able to take many victories with the D50. The D50 also managed to crown Fangio his fourth Driver’s Championship title.
[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]
■発売中の“DIVE NINE” Figure Series No.01 : 1/12scale “Driver Type J.M.F”との組み合わせで、当時のサーキットシーンを再現することができます。
– a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, etching, metal plated parts, rubber tires, decals and various cords allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
– aluminum plated parts used for wheel rim, engine funnel, muffler ends, wheel shaft and lock nut.
– front/rear cowl and bonnet can be removed, allowing full view of the detailed interior after completion.
– pre-printed sponsor logos featured on tires. Wire wheel built up from a combination of metal spokes and nipples along with plated wheel rim for closest representation of the original wheel.
– 4 variations avaliable: the short nose from Monaco GP, the long nose from German GP, the streamliner from France GP, and the version that raced in the final Italy GP.
[ バリエーション -Variations- ]
●K580 - Ver.A : 1956 Rd.2 Monaco GP #20 J.M.Fangio / E.Castellotti #24 L.Musso
– based on the short nose version that raced in the 1956 Monaco GP.
![1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : D50](https://www.modelfactoryhiro.com/pic-labo/mimg/12_D50_A1.jpg)
![1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : D50](https://www.modelfactoryhiro.com/pic-labo/mimg/12_D50_A2.jpg)
●K581 - Ver.B : 1956 Rd.5 French GP #16 A.Portago / T-car
– based on the test streamliner version featured at the France GP. Addition rear cowls on the two sides of the regualr rear cowl included as separate parts and can be removed separately even upon completion of kit.
![1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : D50](https://www.modelfactoryhiro.com/pic-labo/mimg/12_D50_B1.jpg)
![1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : D50](https://www.modelfactoryhiro.com/pic-labo/mimg/12_D50_B2.jpg)
●K582 - Ver.C : 1956 Rd.7 German GP #1 J.M.Fangio #2 P.Collins
– based on the long nose version that raced in the 1956 German GP.
![1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : D50](https://www.modelfactoryhiro.com/pic-labo/mimg/12_D50_C1.jpg)
![1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : D50](https://www.modelfactoryhiro.com/pic-labo/mimg/12_D50_C2.jpg)
●K583 - Ver.D : 1956 Rd.8 Italian GP #22 J.M.Fangio / E.Castellotti #28 L.Musso
1956 Rd.4 Belgian GP #20 A.Pilette #8 P.Collins
・ベルギーGPにスポット参戦した#20 A.Piletteのイエローカラー仕様として組むこともできます。
– based on the championship car (short nose version) that won the final Italy GP in 1956.
– same kit can be alternatively used to build the yellow coloured car #20 (driven by A.Pilette) that raced in Belgium GP.
![1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : D50](https://www.modelfactoryhiro.com/pic-labo/mimg/12_D50_D1.jpg)
[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]
[ 2017年3月発売 / March 2017 released ]